(Lonewolf-Horde) is recruiting 2 warriors for our core 10-man raid team (1 OT, 1 dps). This week’s raids are M/W/F 7 PM ST and moving into P2 will be on a set Sun/Weds 7 PM ST schedule.
We currently have BFD on farm with a ~35 min clear time that normally includes a pug or two. We’re looking to have a fully dedicated and static 10-man team going into P2.
We are a small, helpful, close-knit, semi-hardcore guild with of laid-back yet competent players with great synergy, camaraderie, and just the right amount of sweat.
Outside of raiding, we plan to have scheduled dungeon farm, world PvP, and organized pre-made guild BG nights moving forward.
Think we could be the right fit for one another? Hit up someone from the leadership team below on battlenet or sign up to trial raid with us in our discord.
GM- Frostie Bnet: Spyca#1448 Officer- Unholy Bnet: Palatron#11473 Officer- Dreadskull Bnet: Dread#13112 Officer- Vandergraaff Bnet: Skrewball#11551 Discord- https://discord.gg/dXBBHvbA
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