Boyfriend Material was formed the day SoD started and began doing BFD runs soon after. We have run two 7/7 groups and have cleared BFD within 30-40 minutes on both groups very quickly and smoothly. We also run logs
Both teams raid back to back and clear 7/7 within an hour depending on who comes but most are mains that want to clear quickly with some alts. Right now we do runs at 7 and 8 ST. We plan to do the same when Gnomer opens up.
We plan to play throughout all of SoD. From now until the end of the season we plan to remain consistent and active.
We offer an active discord with members that are usually in voice. As well as players that are always in game that are running dungeons or doing pvp whether it be Ashenvale or WSG.
If you wish to join, send a message to Maltoc in Discord or to any member in game and we will send you an invite.
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